*This event has ended.*
Free Admission! Held at Komaki Childrenʼs Future Center!
It is a workshop where children can spontaneously learn about HX using cards and clay. HX stands for Human Experience, a design concept that aims to create products and services that not only make users happy but also benefit the surrounding people, the environment, and society as a whole.
The three key points of HX:
Expand - Think broadly about your connections with others
Consider the Impact - Reflect on the influence of your words and actions
Be Positive - Think proactively about improving things
These concepts can be experienced in a fun way through play. Let us support your childʼs summer growth!
Location: Komaki Childrenʼs Future Center
555 Lapio, 3rd Floor, Komaki 3-chome, Komaki City
Date: Friday, August 23
Session 1: 10:00 AM - 12:00 PM
Session 2: 2:00 PM - 5:30 PM
Free Admission
Note: Reservation and admission fee required for those living outside Komaki City.
Special Bonus: Exclusive event participantsʼ invitation to tour the DENSO factory!
Participants who complete the survey after the event will be entered into a lottery, and 10 parent-child pairs will be invited to tour the DENSO factory.