Under the theme of "carbon neutrality," we developed a brand that bundles individual products and systems into a comprehensive solution.
DENSO continues to develop various technologies and solutions to achieve a carbon-neutral society. To realize this as soon as possible, it is essential to first achieve carbon neutrality within the company and then share this system with society. This requires cooperation with various stakeholders, including those in the manufacturing industry. However, DENSO was not widely recognized as a company providing carbon-neutral technologies and products.
To enhance recognition efficiently, we realized the need to communicate information in a broader scope rather than just individual points. This led to the initiation of our branding activities. Along with core product groups such as SOFC (Solid Oxide Fuel Cell) that generates electricity from hydrogen and city gas, SOEC (Solid Oxide Electrolysis Cell) that produces hydrogen from electricity, and DAC (Direct Air Capture) that collects carbon dioxide from the air, we also highlighted our strength in creating optimal configurations by combining other systems tailored to different environments like offices and factories. We adopted a master brand structure to communicate comprehensive solutions and leverage DENSOʼs brand value.
*Carbon neutrality: Balancing the emission and absorption of greenhouse gases.
According to Interbrand, DENSOʼs brand value is estimated at around 160 billion yen. Our independent research showed that DENSOʼs brand image had a certain degree of penetration even outside the automotive industry. Additionally, the brand image of DENSO aligned well with the expected image of the carbon-neutral business, allowing for a smooth transition of values.
Our research indicated that many potential customers and stakeholders were eager to engage in carbon neutrality but were uncertain about where to start. The name "DENSO Carbon Neutral Solutions" is lengthy but descriptive, clearly communicating the essence of the initiative. We aimed for straightforward branding, making it easy for people to recognize and approach us with inquiries. After discussions with our North American design hub, we chose a globally understandable name.
To emphasize our contribution to the environment, we could have opted for a design solely using natural materials. However, to ensure stakeholders form a strong association with our brand in limited interactions, we chose a color scheme that prominently features green.
The products are designed to seamlessly integrate into various settings such as offices and factories. Promotional elements are expressed through surrounding walls and banners, highlighting the products. We marked the products to facilitate the transition of brand value. Through multiple prototypes of marks within the master brand structure, we selected and created a mark that expresses our vision of "DENSO, society, and partners co-creating and resonating to achieve societal carbon neutrality," by deconstructing and reconstructing DENSOʼs unique design language, the D-Cross.
Since 2023, we have been continuously active by exhibiting at events such as the Green Factory Expo Tokyo and the Japan Mobility Show, and by creating demonstration spaces at Nishio Plant and Hirose Plant to disseminate information.
Creative Direction: Yuji Tsuchiya
Project Management: Yuji Tsuchiya
Project Lead: Tasuku Matsumura, Gen Orikasa
Art Direction: Tasuku Matsumura
Graphic Design: Tasuku Matsumura, Gen Orikasa, Shun Goi, jihye kim
UI Design: Yuki Yoshioka
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